M-F 2PM – 6PM
(941) 706-2778
M-F 2PM – 6PM
(941) 706-2778
Peripheral Neuropathy and the In Light System
The In Light System is one of the major breakthroughs, world-wide, for Peripheral Neuropathy pain in the past 3 years. This system uses Red, Blue, and Infra-Red LED lights to achieve its many benefits. The system was originally pioneered by NASA, at a cost of millions, and was used in the US astronaut space programs for building top-notch circulation and strong lymphatic movement for the astronauts in outer space.
People with vascular damage caused by poor blood flow often experience significant relief from the pain of neuropathy.
Improves blood flow.
Helps nerves to carry sensations again.
Triggers the release of nitric oxide from blood vessels.
Creates a positive effect called Vasodilation that lasts for several hours after the treatments cease.
Vasodilation lessens “ischemic” pain and helps nerves to begin to carry sensations again.
How does the In Light help Neuropathy
Therapy Session: $80
Rent an In Light: $350/week
Purchase an In Light: $3995
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“I was quite impressed with everyone I interacted with at Lotus Stress Relief. I experienced everyone as both warm and professional.”
Suzanne Knudsen, CA
Meet the Staff
Allan Schulte
Marcia Schulte
Evan Schulte
Sabina Neal