Amazing InLight Medical System
Discover the revitalizing power of light.
In Light Wellness Systems™ provides a dynamic and user-friendly polychromatic light therapy system intended for clinical, professional and home user applications.
LED polychromatic light therapy involves the use of light emitting diodes (LED) delivering red, blue, and infrared light to the skin. These three (3) wavelengths stimulate beneficial innate cellular responses increasing circulation and activating the release of nitric oxide.
What is LED Therapy?
In Light Wellness Systems™ is a photo-modulated (pulsed, light emitting diodes) device also known as low-level light therapy (LLLT). The infrared and visible red LEDs are the heart of the In Light Wellness Systems™ therapy system, providing gentle but powerful non-coherent light. In Light Wellness Systems™ uses a carefully timed sequence of settings, known as pulses, to create an environment in which change may occur more rapidly.
What is LED Light?
The key to understanding how polychromatic light therapy works is called photobiomodulation.

PHOTO (light)
BIO (biology)
Every mammalian cell is built with specialized photoacceptors to receive light. Our cells actually require light for optimal function which means our bodies need light for optimal health. The body understands pulsed light as an instruction set triggering the release of nitric oxide and signaling the cell to produce anti-inflammatory and restorative proteins. Most notably, the Noble Prize winning signaling molecule nitric oxide is released with PLT.